News & Press
Statement of Matteo Buzzetti - Nuovo Stabilimento Industriale Ferroviario
“This important success highlights CSC Construction's expertise and commitment to the civil engineering and general contractor sectors and reinforces our position as a Swiss leader in highly complex multidisciplinary projects.
CSC Costruzioni celebrates the laying of the foundation stone for the new swimming center in Tenero
CSC Construction teams represented by Alessandra Marcolli, Pietro Faifer, and Nicola Bertoli today celebrated the laying of the foundation stone of the new swimming center in the presence of swimming champion Noah Ponti, Ticino State Councillor Ma

CSC Costruzioni
Operating in Switzerland for over 60 years, CSC Costruzioni is dedicated to the design and construction of high-quality, sustainable structures.
With over 20 projects underway and 300 employees applying their expertise and know-how to the creation of complex, sustainable structures, CSC Costruzioni is a robust company without equal in Switzerland.
We don't just meet the expectations of society and our customers. We strive for excellence and quality in each and every one of our projects, to deliver useful, durable structures for today and tomorrow.
With a diversified offering ranging from data center and building construction to civil engineering and underground works, while working as a total enterprise, we are committed to developing more environmentally-friendly solutions that improve our daily lives and meet the challenges facing each and every one of us.
Transparency and respect are our core values, enabling us to continue developing new solutions in a constantly changing world.
Committed to sustainable and responsible construction, CSC Costruzioni is ISO 18001 and ISO 45001 certified. To better identify and respond to environmental issues, we participate in the Swiss Triple Impact program, which helps Swiss companies achieve their Sustainable Development Goals.
CSC Costruzioni has always been able to draw on the know-how and expertise of its sole shareholder, Webuild, a major international player in the construction sector.
Ongoing projects
years of experience in Switzerland