Three buildings on Rue des Maraichers - Geneva

Work description
Located in an urban context composed mainly of semi-detached buildings in blocks more or less enclosed on the courtyard, the perimeter of the project is currently occupied by three buildings whose arrangement provides a counterpoint to the surrounding density. The arrangement of future buildings is based on the principle of occupation of the structures to be demolished, but adopts a "variable" and faceted geometry.
The pentagonal shape adopted by the planned built volumes, in addition to showing a remarkable character in the neighborhood, allows the linear façade to increase by avoiding vis-à-vis between the planned buildings and their surroundings. It also accentuates the feeling of openness and permeability of the block.
Duration: 11.2023 - In corso
Amount: 28'300'000 CHF
Customer: Hospice Général-Service Immobilier
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