Webuild Retreat in Geneva hosted by CSC Costruzioni

On May 30 and 31, the second Europe & Canada Retreat was held in Geneva, Switzerland, hosted by CSC Costruzioni! This event was a wonderful opportunity for all 85 Webuild colleagues from Italy, Canada, France, Romania and the Nordic countries to get together and get to know each other.
“One vision, one future, one team” could not have been a simple motto chosen for this retreat! It perfectly characterizes the team spirit that was expressed during this two-day meeting.
Beginning with a visit to the United Nations Offices in Geneva, where CSC Costruzioni is conducting major renovations of several buildings, the first day continued in the prestigious Assembly Hall where Matteo Buzzetti, General Manager of CSC Costruzioni & Webuild global operations subsidiaries coordination, presented an extensive overview of our Swiss subsidiary.
Special guest of this retreat: Andrea Zorzi, very famous Italian volleyball champion and TV commentator. With a very interesting theme, “Empowered together: Strategies for positive engagement and team success.” As in professional life, everyone needs to take responsibility, engage and not let others do all the work.
The second day focused mainly on contract and budget issues, with workshops in order to conduct a joint reflection to improve our process together. Second special guest: Peter Töpler, Global Head of intelligence Advisory at Randstad Enterprise Solutions - Talent Advisory.
Solutions - Talent Advisory. He led a very interesting discussion on the impact of artificial intelligence on our business. He shared the important message that artificial intelligence will not replace workers, but that it can be an opportunity to enable us to delegate the most repetitive tasks and work on the activities we really love and that keep us motivated at work.
This second edition proved that alone we can go fast, but together we can go far! This event really strengthens the bond between colleagues from different countries brought together under Engineer Pablo Sonnendrucker and promises more efficient sharing of values, information, and ideas!