EP22 Campaccio: poured ultra-high performance fiber-reinforced concrete type UA

During September 2023, as part of the EP22 Campaccio project, teams from the CS Consortium (CSC Costruzioni-Specogna) finished the last phase of a special and innovative work for the structural reinforcement sector. This is the casting of ultra-high performance UA-type fiber-reinforced concrete for the rehabilitation of two side-by-side decks of the Campaccio viaduct in Ticino, approximately 290 meters in length.
The work took the consortium 20 nights over the past two summers. The operation was finalized with the casting of a specific concrete called CFAP that achieved a 4cm-thick collaborating thickening of the platform so as to obtain an important increase in the structural strength of the structure, which in turn allowed the widening of the deck and the increase from two to three lanes of traffic on it.
- Numerous processing steps:
- mechanical roughening of the surface
- cleaning with high-pressure water jet
- laying reinforcing steel
- CFAP installation
- post-treatment with Sika Antisol E-20
- surface wetting
- laying protective sheeting
- dense and compact structure that makes it waterproof and significantly increases its durability over time.
- Some information about the EP22 Campaccio project
- Date of work: 2019 - 2024
- Type of work: Conservation and modernization work on the existing route and widening of the two Campaccio viaducts for a total section of 1.8 km, along the N02 highway north of the Mendrisio interchange, from km 8.200 to km 10.000.
- Client: Federal Roads Office FEDRO
The work, carried out by an average of 20 CSC Costruzioni employees with peaks of 40, consists of upgrading the structures, roadway and safety barriers, correcting the cross slopes of the route in accordance with current regulations, particularly with the creation of rigid banks on the Campaccio viaducts, upgrading the rainwater collection network and building two new roadway water treatment plants (SABA), and upgrading the operating and safety equipment (BSA).
The total cost of the project is about 70 million Swiss francs, of which 32 million Swiss francs have been deliberated to the CS Consortium (CSC Construction - Specogna).
- The project step by step
1/ Start of work
In September 2021, the works outside the highway embankment began with the construction of the road stormwater treatment facilities (SABA, from the German StrassenAbwasserBehandlungsAnlage) and with reference then to the viaducts the construction of the suspended scaffolding, structural reinforcement of the abutments, replacement of the joints and bearings.
2/ Main works
In spring 2022, the main works on the South-North roadway were carried out.
In 2023, the works on the opposite carriageway, North-South direction, are being carried out, while the summer period of 2024 will be used to finally complete the traffic island with the installation of the final gutter for water evacuation.
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