CSC Costruzioni has completed the renovation of the historic passenger building at Renens railway station (Lausanne, Switzerland)

Renens, 08/25/2022 - CSC Costruzioni (Webuild Group) has delivered the renovation project of the Historic Passenger Building at Renens Railway Station in Renens, Switzerland, on behalf of SBB, the Swiss Federal Railways (Real Estate division). The renovation of Renens Station reaches an important milestone with the opening of the new SBB Travel Center on August 10, 2022. Located in the heart of western Lausanne, the renovation of Renens Station is part of a larger urban redevelopment project. The redevelopment project of Renens Station and its surroundings is being carried out by the municipalities of Renens, Chavannes-près-Renens, Crissier and Ecublens, the Swiss Federal Railways (SBB), the Canton of Vaud and the Lausanne Public Transport Company (TL).
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